Claims Overview
Relax, you’re in safe hands.
We understand that a claim can be a very stressful and unpleasant experience for anyone. If you are faced with a covered claim being asserted against you, we will do everything we can to help you defend yourself, settle any loss swiftly and move the matter forward and enable you to continue with your daily business. After all, the whole reason you have bought insurance from us is to provide you with support when you need it most. Allow us now to take the strain from you and give you the peace of mind that your business is being protected.
Our Promise
If your claim is covered by our policy, we promise that our highly specialised and dedicated claims team will work tirelessly for you to resolve the matter. We will work closely with you to ensure all viable defences are asserted zealously on your behalf and that the most suitable professionals are retained to protect your interests. We fight hard for your interests.
Newline Group employs highly specialised and dedicated claims managers to look after your interests. Given the diverse nature of the policies we issue, and the exposures we cover, we ensure that a professional claims manager who is knowledgeable in both the class of insurance you have bought and your industry handles your claim. Our claims managers also work closely with our underwriters to understand you and your policy to deliver unified customer service. As part of a worldwide group we are also supported by our colleagues in the United States, Europe and Asia where local expertise is required. Please feel free to contact any of us at any time. If you would like to meet your claims manager personally, please let us know.
When handling a covered claim, our claims managers have two overriding objectives:
- Protecting your interests; and
- Driving the claim to the best possible outcome
Claims need to be handled by highly specialised, technically competent and skilled professionals to assess the extent of your loss and/or any liability to third parties and then adopt the most effective strategy to ensure the best possible outcome. Newline Group’s claims managers draw on their considerable experience when handling claims and employ specialist external advisors to protect your interests. We will discuss and co-ordinate the defence strategy with you and rigorously advocate your defences. If the defence of a claim has merit, Newline Group is not afraid to take that claim to trial. Equally however, if a claim should be settled, Newline Group’s claims managers will negotiate a settlement of the claim on the best possible terms.
If you are in the unfortunate position that you need to make a claim and you believe there is cover under your policy with Newline Group in respect of that claim, please contact us immediately via your broker or email a completed claim form to Newline Claims and we will do our utmost to look at the matter expeditiously. Once cover is verified, our highly specialised, technically competent and skilled claims professionals will start work on the claim.
We have tried to provide some helpful general information in this website regarding our approach to claims handling. As you will appreciate, each claim is different. So, too, each policy of insurance is tailored to the specialised needs of our insureds. General statements in this website cannot and do not override the actual terms of our policies and our respective rights and remedies arise out of and are governed by the policy. Please therefore check the precise terms of your cover with your broker and take care you comply with these in order to ensure you access the full benefit of your policy with Newline Group. Please contact your broker for guidance.
Key Contacts
Newline employs highly specialised and dedicated claims managers to look after your interests. Unlike others, liability is all we do at Newline so we are experts in this field. Given the diverse nature of the policies we issue, and the exposures we cover, we ensure that a professional claims manager who is knowledgeable in both the class of insurance you have bought and your industry handles your claim. Please feel free to contact any of us at any time. If you would like to meet your claims manager personally, please let us know.
